God's Plan

04-26-2020Weekly Reflection

Saint Peter speaks to us twice today. In the first reading, we hear an excerpt from his sermon on Pentecost; in the second, part of his first letter. Once a frightened, uneducated fisherman who often said just the wrong thing, now Peter is speaking what he knows to be true. Everything Jesus had said now makes sense. His death and rising were all part of God’s plan, and our faith and hope can be centered on God.

Today’s Gospel tells the story of Jesus’ walk to Emmaus with two of the disciples. Frightened, sad, and confused, the two of them don’t recognize Jesus, who tells them what we heard Peter say above: All this had to happen as part of God’s plan. In the end, these disciples recognize Jesus as we are to recognize him—in the breaking of the bread.

Get Real!

04-19-2020Weekly Reflection

Those of us who flatter ourselves that we have a “realistic” view of the world may listen to the first reading today and say, “Get real!” when we hear Luke’s account of the early, Elysian days of the Christian movement. All seems to be rosy, lots of wonders are performed, everyone shares selflessly, they eat together in “exultation,” and the Lord added to their numbers? Well, who wouldn’t be attracted to a group like this? From the wind that swept through the upper room at Pentecost as the Spirit of God blew over the face of the waters in Genesis, and the fire that appeared over each disciple as the light appeared at the dawn of creation, Luke’s intent in Acts is to show a new creation, a restoration of creation’s original goodness through the working of the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit who continues to make us into the Body of Christ. We may occasionally, like Thomas in the Gospel, say, “Get real!” but our ultimate reality in the Spirit is to work continually to make our Christian community a new creation, one in which others will find God’s joy and beauty.

Happy Easter

04-12-2020Weekly ReflectionReverend Monsignor Domenico C. Pinti

The joy of Jesus showing us that death has no more power. The Resurrection is the life after death. Jesus showed us the gift that our soul awaits eternal life. This is our faith. We have FAITH. WE have HOPE. We have LOVE.

The joy of the Seven Sacraments. The joy of receiving the Sacrament of Penance, Holy Communion and Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders remains with us in our Catholic doctrine. WE ARE CATHOLICS—Happy Easter! The LORD IS RISEN.

In St. John’s Gospel, Chapter 14, Jesus said “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God: and faith in me. I am the way and the truth and the life.” Jesus showed us the way. During this time of struggle in our life, we walk by faith. Pope Francis recently said in a dramatic solidarity service, “We are in “The same boat”. He praised everyone who continues to serve the public in health care, police, security, volunteers, transportation, and many others. They are “writing the decisive events of our time”.



04-05-2020Weekly Reflection

“Hosanna to the Son of David; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna in the highest” (Matthew 21:9). With these words the Church enters the holiest of weeks, commemorating the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ. When the people of Jerusalem cried out with their “hosannas,” they were using an ancient Hebrew shout of acclamation that meant “Pray, save us.” The king to whom they were shouting eventually would save them, but in a way that would be far from what they expected. Salvation would come from the wood of the cross as Jesus hung there to bring freedom from sin and life through death, opening the gates of heaven for all who put their faith and trust in him.